![]() | INVOICE |
Virtual Account: | 7234081232926236 |
Transaction ID: | 2016102021035626419 |
Laboratorium Farmalab |
PCR | Rp 495.000 |
Test: 10:00 | |
Name: Anshari Kurniawan | |
ID Number: 7309102510940001 |
PCR | Rp 495.000 |
Test: 10:00 | |
Name: Abu Sofyan Martinho Coreia | |
ID Number: 7371131708880013 |
Total | Rp 990.000 |
Please complete the payment before / Mohon menyelesaikan pembayaran anda sebelum: | 16 October 2021, 11:56 (WIB) |
How to Pay:*Notice There will be lag time for fund wire process using LLG/Kliring/SKN. Thus, payment using those methods is not recommended. • BNI Mobile Banking 1. Access your BNI Mobile Banking, then type your User ID and Password 2. Choose "Transfer" 3. Choose 'Virtual Account Billing', then click Debit Account 4. Type your Virtual Accout number on "Input Baru" menu 5. Amount that needs to be paid will be displayed on confirmation page 6. Confirm your transaction and type your transaction password • ATM BNI 1. Put your Card 2. Choose Language 3. Type your PIN ATM 5. Choose "Menu Lainnya" 6. Choose "Transfer" 7. Choose your account type that will be used, choose "Virtual AccountBilling" 8. Type your Virtual Account number 9. Amount will be displayed on Confirmation page 10. Confirm and continue transaction process. • Other Bank (Via Mobile Banking) (Method may be vary depends on the Bank, please make sure that register andtransfer from "Bank Lain" not from Virtual Account Please note: Interbank transfer fee will be charged from your savingsaccount) 1. Login to your Mobile Banking account 2. Choose "Transfer" > Choose "Other Bank" or "Transfer Across Bank" 3. Choose BNI (009) 4. Type your Virtual Account number 5. Type amount ( Input amount must be exactly same as what was written onInvoice, else it will be rejected) 6. Click Submit 7. Type your password ( if needed) 8. Click OK. • Other Bank (Via ATM) (Method may be vary depends on the Bank, please make sure that register andtransfer from "Bank Lain" not from Virtual Account Please note: Interbank transfer fee will be charged from your savingsaccount) 1. Put your Card, choose language and type your password 2. Choose Transfer 3. Choose Other Bank 4. Choose BNI 5. Type your Virtual Account number 6. Type amount ( Input amount must be exactly same as what was written onInvoice, else it will be rejected) 7. Click Submit. |
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